Nutrition-Diet or Both or Life Change

Is it a diet or is it nutritional intake awareness? Is this a life style change?

Yes and yes  but there is a difference. A diet is temporary, looking for body change for a specific event.  You do look at your nutritional intake, omit meals (not healthy), avoid carbohydrates (there are good and bad), exercise beyond your normal.  Again yes, the outcome is fabulous, females looking beautiful, shapely, firm men just as handsome all types of  muscles present.  But….what happens when the event or season is over? Yeah I thought so back to normal and those carbs taste even better you do what? um hmm over indulge.

How about a “Life Change”? No this does not mean a lot of money.  I am saying this because prior to my journey and years of unhealthy eating I needed a life style change.  No more binging, purging and all those unhealthy habits.  I am talking about eating healthy daily, for a consistent, loving your self and your body change.

Does a life change mean no more carbs ever? Of course not.  Does it mean you must return to everyday for the rest of your life working out like you are insane, hell no. It does mean eating in moderation, carbs,(mostly healthy) but really some times we need that slice of cake, pie  (not the entire or half ).  As well as sometimes one roll is not enough but let’s not eat the whole package and not everyday do we need it.

Workouts are the same find a gym, a program as my favorite a “beachbody”

I love that I am able to workout on my time following a schedule to workout muscles, tone, stretch without waiting and on a fatigue day I can use the moderator.

To everyone reading this blog or just past and share let’s make it a “Life Change” not just a temporary “diet”  change. To a week or day of decision to get it right. Much love.

Published by nitrice

I am sharing my Fitness journey with others. I have experienced weight gains and weight loss both unhealthy and healthy. My journey now is one of a healthy lifestlye with fitness and nutrition. I want others to be EMPOWERED with my shared journey and know they too, can overcome the challenges and join me on my journey and make it an "Our Journey"

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