Having The Strength

I am so pushing through for strength as my injury gets better but I must admit on a few days last week I over did it and I had to ice and elevate for hours.

Change especially with an injury in the fitness arena as I have become so addicted to is depressing. Of course not to the point of inflicting harm on my self but being limited. I can still lift weights but not too heavy and it takes a minute t get them near me. Of course it’s the home gym but the weight are not near the weight bench and I have to steady myself on 1.5 legs. I still have restricted weight on the left. My mobility is so much better and I am more than grateful for my progress. I have to keep the benchin one position because I cannot get up and down so fast so a few lifts are not my greatest.

But it takes good strength to keep pushing through. Now this is not the strength of weight lifting but the strength of mindset.

Stay strong and keep the strength to accomplish your fitness goals. I’m there with you.

Photo by Lukas on Pexels.com

Published by nitrice

I am sharing my Fitness journey with others. I have experienced weight gains and weight loss both unhealthy and healthy. My journey now is one of a healthy lifestlye with fitness and nutrition. I want others to be EMPOWERED with my shared journey and know they too, can overcome the challenges and join me on my journey and make it an "Our Journey"

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