
Tempting The Good & The…

Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

I’m raising my hand, no both hands, I AM GUILTY. Just a reminder, fitness and nutrition go hand in hand it’s a binding relationship FOREVER. Now don’t misunderstand this because you can get fit on changing your nutrition without being physically active. As well as you can get fit without changing your nutrition. In both instances it will take longer and in both as you begin feeling good, your mindset changes and guess what happens?
You got it for the nutrition only you begin incorporating some type of activity of fitness in your life, walking, spinning, weightlifting, yoga, Pilates and the list continues. By the way all of it can be streamed on BOD , want details ask and I’ll share and you can join me and so many others.
Okay the tempting, that I’m guilty of sometimes. My nutrition is a 75/25 just being honest I haven’t made it to that 80/20. What are those numbers well it’s the so healthy and the off the record. Now to understand eating too much good has it’s backfire. I love salads, lots of greens, nuts, pumpkin, yams, all good right, of course. However too much for me because of the fiber can cause a GI disturbance yep unless the water consumption is increased.
I love nuts and good as they are for you an over consumption means increased fat you have to balance the servings. I fail every time. I try bulk purchasing and I bulk eat not good. I had to be reasonable stop tempting myself with the good. What did I do?, well I purchase the 100 calorie packets and I really limit myself what a change. How do I manage the other good, I purchase single servings so I won’t over indulge.
Now this was difficult as it cost more to purchase small than large but I had to stop the temptation because I have no control on good nutritional food and that goes for fruit. Fruit is good but too much converts into sugar and really I can’t burn that sugar in workouts including my daily activities. Tempting the good.
Now about the other I learned I’m not good with chips so I stop that purchase. Really I can eat a large bag of chips, drink lots of water and be satisfied as I huff and puff through a workout, 5 lbs feel like 20. Now when I have that craving, and I do; I purchase chips I serve myself a few and with tears I immediately toss the remaining in the garbage and the same when I bake and no one else wants anymore I toss it. I know wasteful why not freeze it. Really freeze it, nope I know how to defrost it so I toss out the temptation.
I know I’m not the only one that fight temptation so let’s be strong for each other and I’m tossing strength to you.


What Ignites YOU on Your Fitness Journey

abstract art blaze bonfire
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

There are days I’m not sure if I want to workout  or when/  Now don’t misinterpret I hate working out because I love it, enjoy it; however there are days I just feel a bit lazy for awhile.

When this happens I can only justify for a few minutes because there really isn’t an excuse.  With my streaming programs, the community that is involved I can do a workout in 10-45 minutes if I just want a change for the day because each workout has a calendar.   If you have never had an inspiring, motivational community then you have got to try my community. Beachbody On Demand Homepage: https://www.beachbodyondemand.com?referringRepID=1262129.  It’s a community like no other. ok now on with igniting

Okay I will go onto social media and see the inspiring comments from my previous workouts or view someone else on their workouts or just log onto wp and see inspiring posts from those I follow or and follow me.  Fire is higher when I listen to one of my many pod casts and then I am lit, on fire and ready to prepare for a great workout more so a great workout.  Sometimes we just need a little push.


When Do I Increase My Weights

My barbells

Weight lifting has become a HUGE part of my fitness journey, and I am still working on as well have improved on my nutrition which is major.  I am fond of my home workouts for reasons I shall share later but my focus is on weight increase.

My workouts are with a trainer, and still at home.  There is a sheet to record weights used and monitor growth and the trainer actually suggests when to increase the weights. I am good in following the trainers because they have more knowledge than I.  However if my current weight use is still challenging I will not increase for reasons of : possible injury and compromising form to get the benefits.  When I am able to lift, lunge or press with weights that are not challenging or I am able to do 3-5 more reps without feeling a challenge then I will increase my weights.

I know by how much well, this depends on what I have at home.  There weights in between the 5 pound increase such as 10 to 12 instead of 15 or 15 to 17 instead of 20 and yes 20 to 22 instead of 25.  Oh yeah I am speaking of dumbbells because I can increase in increments of 2 or 2.5 on the barbels.  For me I have only that 12 on the dumbbells so I have to up my weights by 5 .  Which I do with caution.

Cautious weight increase is important to stay on the journey without injury and to benefit from the challenge of increasing the weights.  To a week of increasing weights and or reps with safety.


My Reasons for Combining Caridio and Weights

My fitness journey like so many has ups and down but there is one thing I know for certain it is necessary for me to combine my workouts with cardio and weights.

It took me awhile to like  weights, what got me interested?  There are a several reasons :
1. With my history of eating disorder it has assisted (not solely) in increasing my metabolism.
2. Weights has assisted me in giving shape to legs, arms and (in the works) lift that butt and the boobs.
3. I feel stronger also.
Now for the cardio- endurance, fat burning but so are weights, toning and leaning out muscles. By the way it took me a minute to realize with continuous weight training and no cardio, my muscles become define and contracted that it shorten my stretching another reason to combine the both.

All of my reasons for the combination which I am certain I have left out a few, these are my REASONS and may or may not apply to anyone else.

To a week of workouts, choose what works best for you and go get it.

Erase The Guilt

Go ahead and do it. Erase that guilt. As we evolved into a higher level of ourselves, it’s so easy and I mean so easy to look into yesterday, yesteryear and beat upon ourselves for the mistakes. Things we thought we knew or and things we did that was not applicable to the situation.

This is how we evolve, mistakes. Mistakes that are not illegal or harmful. Did they hold a few of us back? Of course. But to continue on we have to erase them especially if you are reflecting on the mistakes too much.

Erase and move on. How well every time you think of mistakes you know held you back, refocus. Quickly focus on all the positive energy and positive action that has you where you are today. I’m sharing and expressing because this was a lesson for me; and I don’t want you to dwindle in your past mistake.

It’s time to erase the guilt, you’ve learned and grown. Okay hand clap. Erase that guilt and get to moving on in your new growth. I’m applauding you. Now gone get.

How My Fitness Journey Has Educated Me

Never thought I’d get a learning experience in / on my fitness journey. Here are a list of things I’ve learned

1. Stop comparing yourself. Sometimes the comparison will stop your progress because you’re waiting to be the image of someone else. Instead you can use their image and routine as an inspiration

2. Know your own strength and know your strength will fluctuate. I do keep a record of my lift in my workout program. I once would get frustrated when I was unable to lift heavier or the same as the previous week. Our bodies respond to sleep, nutrition, stress, illness, fatigue. What’s important is to give your best in each workout.

3. The scale can be a friend and an enemy. It shows you the weight change; joy when there is a decrease. It does not show how good you feel after a workout, how your mindset has changed with higher levels of positive behavior, energy increased, that proud glow you now have that so many are wondering what’s going on in your life. The scale doesn’t share the inches you’ve lost, remember so many people shed inches before weight. How about the change in your nutrition and let’s not forget the increase in water intake. And the toning, muscle gain you’ve eliminated fat, nope not on the scale.

4. Learning to be a greater you, and still enjoying those around you. Learning when to accept or reject certain people all for your good. This is growth.

5. I’ve learned and I also this will not apply to many, but a few minutes of daily meditation to begin my day has increased my commitment to my fitness journey.

6. Now it’s your time. How has your fitness journey educated you. Not on a journey and still debating?, hmm it’s May baby I can assist just complete your contact information and we can talk. We will only communicate via email.

Where Are You

Being on a fitness journey, it’s good to check in. What’s really great if you are on a positive team, and an accountability partner. I have several.

Accountability partner is not to bang you or critic you, but to assist you to a GREATER you in goals. Not to negate the road you travel, but to support the road you travel, to add words when you’re in doubt that erases those doubts. Oh the joy and love of that accountability partner. As mentioned I have several and a team. But how about you?

Sometimes we think we don’t need anyone, but corrected- you do. We sometimes think we are strong and yes we are, BUT how about being STRONGER.

So again I ask, “Where are you”

It Is A Journey

Most of us are on some type of journey. The journey can be fitness ( which is a favorite of mine), or it can be personal or professional. They all have similarities. Yes the goal or goals of each will be different.

The similarities is the journey. That journey will go straight, up a few hills, down a few slopes, around a few winding roads , then straight and there it is. The ULTIMATE peak. You’ve reached that goal.

Hooray, applaud yourself, look in the mirror and smile, shout out how great you are and then…..

Make plans for the next one. Yes get that list together and set actions into place. Why??, well you’re a champion you gotta keep moving.

As of now be proud of this moment now get to moving. Oh by the way, I’m cheering for you now move.

Photo by c1n3ma on Pexels.com

It’s All Belongs Together

What, what? Let’s chat and just briefly. We discuss or share an accomplished goal, we talk about the grind how we had to push through to endure the path and then we’re done with the conversation.

Huh, I say to you. You’ve missed a few things. You’re sharing a piece of your journey.

Put it All Together

Discuss and share the grind, (you’d be surprise how your grind and push through can inspire others). Sometimes people feel alone and knowing someone shares the bumps, thumps, hills on any journey be it fitness or personal. Share, love and support, ( we can or I know I can use it)

Now the greatest of it all is, “how are you applauding yourself”. Share with yourself, shout it out, look in the mirror, smile. This is not a selfish act. Okay you got it, put it all together. Your Greatness is not to be overlooked.

Yes, It Begins With YOU

This is quick and all about you. You give, you so much for and with others.

You’re on a journey for change, ENJOY it just remember it all begins with you. Self Love

Self love

Sometimes We Have To Listen


I had a conversation I thought was a bit confusing and it was at first until I listened. What was it? Well, believe it or not It was super simple. I was thanked for just listening. Yes, a friend shared situation and circumstance and it was extended and I just listened. What actually happened she was able to actually figure it out and stated later her energy had returned and was able to get focused on her goals in life once again.

Sounds good, she explained most people she spoke to begin to interrupt and inject their stories then directing her what to do without hearing her out. WOW, so easy to do. But they never listened to her.


Sometimes we just need to listen. Sometimes listening is so great when people can hear their own voice and begun aware of their mental health setting and what they need to do. Of course, a few are shy of seeking help and at the end we can gently guide them there. However, for many a mental health review just having someone to listen, not compare, inject, JUST LISTEN.

So today I ask of you are you a listener? or an injector or maybe taking over and discuss your situation instead of really listening. I am now evaluating myself as a friend and listener. However, I must say listening does not mean to allow someone to discuss and drain you of energy. If you note negativity being high, I say Shhhh and ease away from the conversation and that’s for your mental health.

You decide your stance.

What’s YOUR Fitness Journey

Fitness journey

I’m just curious, really what is your fitness journey? I hear many speak of fitness as I want to loose weight for an event or to impress someone and many to look like someone else. I’m not sure this is a journey, why?

Well, not to be judge mental, but there is one element missing and it’s huge. Yep you forgot about You. If your fitness journey is short timed “an event” or to impress someone or look like some, which is a hmmm. But will visit this in a few.

How are you impressing yourself. Regardless of your size, age you gotta begin loving and appreciating you just as you are. Yep right now, this moment, today. Accepting your Greatness as you are will allow you to deeply become aware all changes are for you. “You are GREAT”. Impress you, look at all your accomplishments then smile.

Ok, looking like someone else because of their fitness physique isn’t so bad, but remember they didn’t accomplish their look in a week. It was a journey. Are you ready to put in every detail that individual has, including the workout hours, the nutrition and sometimes a few extra supplements? Are you?

Your Fitness calendar created by you

Your fitness journey should be detailed for you, then you become the boss of it. Days and time limits you can actually commit to. Be realistic. Both will change as progress change. Be certain to tweak your nutrition as well. Now this is a must, regardless of your choice it is an upmost, yes you have to ….. Have Fun. Having fun doesn’t mean you will not sweat or say a few words not normally in your vocabulary. It’s just the journey and Now, it is your fitness journey. You’ve taken control and charge as well as accepted you and you’ re AWESOME add that to your GREATNESS.

Spring Up Your Change

Hey now. So many people including me are always moving on our spring energy. That energy where we do a bit more cleaning, tossing out adding new to our house, wardrobe and just changing.

NOW, we do forget to change our self. That change is not just an external appearance but our internal self. Our mindset, our actions on mental happiness.

Trust, if your mental health is off you’ve already placed a time limit of your gains; regardless to what they are. If you’ve limited your mindset on the Greatness of you once again you’ve limited your gains.

This year 2024, how about taking the time to cleanse your mindset. Toss out all those limiting beliefs. Check your mental health. Have you or are you living the life that agrees with your strength, your happiness, your intentions or all they guided by someone else who really have no idea of you.

Remember the spring change of you is not a one step change or a one day change. Believe in you first, know you, have patience. Then apply the action or actions in agreeable to you. We’re not all the same so a different action and approach my be necessary than your BF.

Listen, be adaptable and receptive to the new spring change and then….. Watch your bloom, I can see and feel it now. You’re beautiful, handsome and that smile is just gorgeous.

Spring Change is beautiful.

What’s YOUR Algorithm

If you’re on any of the social medias we know the algorithm changes, recommend us to others to follow. Of course we can have our friends to assist, but the algorithm gets the outsiders to become insiders to follow.

Now, that algorithm can be large, small or hell not at all. How focused are we on social media and yet we, yes we; I’m including myself we forget about our real internal algorithm.

Lift your internal ALGORITHM

Huh, yes our self mental and physical algorithm. Are you synced into it, or are you waiting for others to approve you, accept you. Be strong. Get strong. It’s time to increase your mental algorithm to continue into your greatness of life and the energy level of fitness for so many reasons.

So today check your ALGORITHM.