How My Fitness Journey Has Educated Me

Never thought I’d get a learning experience in / on my fitness journey. Here are a list of things I’ve learned 1. Stop comparing yourself. Sometimes the comparison will stop your progress because you’re waiting to be the image of someone else. Instead you can use their image and routine as an inspiration 2. KnowContinue reading “How My Fitness Journey Has Educated Me”

Where Are You

Being on a fitness journey, it’s good to check in. What’s really great if you are on a positive team, and an accountability partner. I have several. Accountability partner is not to bang you or critic you, but to assist you to a GREATER you in goals. Not to negate the road you travel, butContinue reading “Where Are You”

What’s YOUR Fitness Journey

I’m just curious, really what is your fitness journey? I hear many speak of fitness as I want to loose weight for an event or to impress someone and many to look like someone else. I’m not sure this is a journey, why? Well, not to be judge mental, but there is one element missingContinue reading “What’s YOUR Fitness Journey”

Why Did You Say That

I’d like to know, why? It’s so easy to say it and I’m going to share it in a few. When you compare When you fail to believe When you surround yourself with the negative ‘nayers’ When you listen to that negative noisy clutter in your head Demolish, destroy it all. Transform yourself into anContinue reading “Why Did You Say That”

What Does It Mean

What does it mean to eat like you love yourself? For me, it means eating foods that releases that feel good without guilt or stress around choices. Most people believe (or have been taught) that losing weight, gaining muscle, or maintaining our figure means giving up the foods we love and building ourself a longContinue reading “What Does It Mean”

When Is The Last Time You Did It?

Really, when is it, we focus so much, and not only in the fitness world but our daily lives what we are doing wrong; we forget to look at all the rights we’ve accomplished. Today self applaud yourself for ALL those rights applied that has gotten you to your level of GREATNESS today, and guessContinue reading “When Is The Last Time You Did It?”

Slow Down and Breathe It In

As we move into the final weeks of 2022, it is SO easy to double up on our actions to meet our end goals. Guilty, yes I am. Still we must pace ourselves and enjoy what we’ve accomplished. If we move too fast sometimes we forget to applaud as well as noticed what GREAT accomplishmentsContinue reading “Slow Down and Breathe It In”

How Difficult Is It

The environment we surround ourselves in will propel us to the next level of our greatness; or it can send you into a world of confusion. So important to surround yourself with those that motivate, inspire and direct you positively. Those that lift you up in many ways when you need that lift because ofContinue reading “How Difficult Is It”