Oh my how many times have we’ve been told to erase this word or used by many as an acronym. Why because it has limited the greatness or slowed it down in so many. It’s been used to assist of self empowerment in many ways, just erase the “FEAR’. False. Excuses Appearing Real. How aboutContinue reading “F.E.A.R”

Each Day Brings A Different You

You are not the same everyday, you may think so because you on some days follow the pattern. I don’t have a magic answer for myself nor for you because we’re different. You know there are days we can get into a workout with a force we don’t know where the hell it came from.Continue reading “Each Day Brings A Different You”

How Are You Standing?

I’d like to know, and to clarify I’m not speaking of posture. I’m speaking on your goals, in specific your health and fitness goals as well as the action applied. Let’s talk, we are in October and where are you? Have you been 100 percent dedicated to those fitness and health goals are did youContinue reading “How Are You Standing?”

It’ Easy To Mimic- It’s Better To Be You

I have to be honest, I love streaming my workouts and YES I’m 95% Beachbody the other well that’s 3 % using a few YouTube workouts mostly boxing, the other 2% is me doing lunges, squats, treadmill, or spinning . What I had to learn is regardless how others may rave about a workout programContinue reading “It’ Easy To Mimic- It’s Better To Be You”

Are You Guilty Too?

How many times during a workout have you underestimated your strength just because you’ve become complacent. Well this was me last eve. I under estimated my capability in my workout. First to acknowledge I workout at home. This is the only way I’d be able to workout at least 4-6 days a week otherwise IContinue reading “Are You Guilty Too?”

That Darn Comfort Food

I am guilty, I admit it I really over indulged and that was a few days ago. It has taken me a few days to get that me feeling back. I’m usually for tossing out, leaving behind food or just don’t eat the foods I know will drain my energy. Knowing my body I amContinue reading “That Darn Comfort Food”

I Know, I Am Who I Am and You are You

Yes I am. I have listened to concerns in the first week of 2021 about individuals starting to implement change to look or similar appearance of someone else. Now I know we all sometimes look at another and silently or loudly if you know them complement them on a look. BUT I NEED you guysContinue reading “I Know, I Am Who I Am and You are You”

Is it YOU or Is it YOU

The title seems as if I’ve repeated myself and I have.  In a recent share on IG and FB ( I post daily motivation quotes and how I interpret to apply for life). Individualizing yourself.  This is one that I had to reflect on as I created the quote.  It is so easy to mimic theContinue reading “Is it YOU or Is it YOU”

Who Told You That and WHAT

I can only think as I share my journey with many of all ages and hear these sayings. “WHAT”.  Okay a list and I’m not sure if these are to deter me, mock me or if people believe it. 1. Is this workout appropriate for your age? Is there an age limit to workouts, ifContinue reading “Who Told You That and WHAT”

Accept ME Accept YOU

Reflecting on my fitness journey and the struggles I  had at the beginning and how many times I begin and stopped.  Really the the number is, I don’t know but I can say it was greater than 20.  Yes that many and why? It took me a long while to understand me and why IContinue reading “Accept ME Accept YOU”