The Transition is Confusing Sometimes

As I continue on my fitness and before I complete the post I will stop just for a moment. If YOU are anyone you know that is interested in working out at home and would love to join me and begin their own or even you, your own fitness journey, I welcome you and justContinue reading “The Transition is Confusing Sometimes”

It’s MONDAY And I’m Not Sure

I know I am not the only one that experience a week beginning like this.  Like what?  Well I have a list  of TO DO so long that I’m not sure where to begin. Usually I prioritize but looking at this list it’s so similar to a double booking.  BUT I know after my workoutContinue reading “It’s MONDAY And I’m Not Sure”

Either / Or

Now what does that mean, well a lot but I’ll explain, it’s really simple. I was sharing in general conversation, as I love to share my workouts especially my progress, but I’m a good listener for anyone else who is sharing.  Okay in a recent share it  was about me increasing my weight lift andContinue reading “Either / Or”

Does the Weather Affect My Workouts

I was asked this question by someone knowing I have RA and workout as she also have RA and continues to use excuses to workout a couple of days month.  Yes you read it a month.  I am not making mockery of anyone for we all have limitations just some of us know how toContinue reading “Does the Weather Affect My Workouts”

I Love Veggies, I Do But……

Oh my this is so a problem.  I love vegetables.  I can eat them cooked any way including raw for most of them.  So what is the BUT, well I have IBS  and some of them just don’t agree with me.  They want to make be bloated and all gassy.  Do you know that discomfortContinue reading “I Love Veggies, I Do But……”

Once Upon A Time

Do you ever think was I doing it wrong? or maybe my body requires this now with age? Okay before you reply to the second question I already know our bodies make changes with age so don’t focus on that question too long. But really the change I’m referring to is associated with my workouts.Continue reading “Once Upon A Time”

What Works For Me

Today I was informed I should have a light breakfast with high protein before working out. Nope that doesn’t work for me. If I eat prior to a workout well light or not I will have to wait a minimum of 2 hours.  I’m sure it’s my faulty GI, slow at metabolizing or breaking downContinue reading “What Works For Me”

I Have No Shame

Nope, I don’t. I brag and share when I increase my weights or beginning a new  workout program.  By the way did I share with you I have the option to over 700 plus workouts with trainers that are too AWESOME, if this interest you or you just want to try or add something newContinue reading “I Have No Shame”

Who Is The Ultimate Leader….

Well I know you already know but really who is the ultimate leader. Are you looking for a leader to assist you or stand by you on your fitness journey, so was I.  I even used it as an excuse.  There is no one to assist me on my fitness journey, I need someone toContinue reading “Who Is The Ultimate Leader….”

Who Inspires You

On my fitness journey and just life I read books that both motivate me to stay focus on my goals and listen to podcasts of many.  My recent podcast  of motivation and inspiration is AWESOME and RELATABLE.  Of course I’m reading books as well. LaShawnda McLaurin What is your inspiration or motivation this week orContinue reading “Who Inspires You”